March 27, 2014 – In The Dark…

I had a dream recently about B and I in the car on a dark night with no headlights. We kept going but couldn’t see where we were going. That describes one part of my life now. 

A few weeks ago, I noticed a strange swelling in my neck. It hurt and it was hard to breath deeply upon exerting myself. It wasn’t improving so I went to get this checked out with my dr. I was sent for a thyroid ultrasound. I learned I have three nodules on the right side of my thyroid. One is larger than the other two and they were all solid not liquid filled. I’m in the process of the thyroid uptake scan. I’ll get my 24 hour scan shortly since I’m sitting in the hospital parking lot now. I hope to have a bit more direction with what I need to have done next soon. My attitude is one thing at a time but I still feel in the dark about where I am ultimately going on this journey.
Update: The test is complete. I now have to wait 48 hours plus all weekend to hear the results. The tech wished me good luck. I could only say thanks while thinking I hope I’m ok. So waiting is what I shall do.

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