The Overtaken Soul — Suicide

Depression can overtake the soul. It is all consuming. It takes all joy, tears, and life as its own. It will make you forget that it doesn’t hurt just yourself but your loved ones too. It will make you seek ways to numb the overwhelming feelings. The numbing agents may be anything from drugs, drinking, overeating, self-harm or the end all–suicide.

Suicide has been in the media a lot the past few days due to the death of actor, Robin Williams. I’ve always heard suicide is the ultimate sign of selfishness. Selfishness might be a part of it but those that commit this have forgotten that their actions and feelings matter to others. I have enough experience with depression to know that you can only feel those dark feelings so deeply and long to the point you want it to stop and you don’t want to be a burden any longer. It is intense at the self-harm stage so I don’t want to ever know the depth of sorrow to seek suicide as an option for relief.

It can be difficult to ask for help. You don’t want to be seen as weak or as a problem. You don’t want to be teased or put down with insults. I can imagine adding addiction to the mix puts one’s brain in an irrational mess too. Asking for help means facing that there is a problem.

Depression is a real health problem just like being diabetic or having a heart issue. Someone with depression needs their health care needs met too. A depressed person needs empathy and support. There is no shame in needing an anti-depressant medication. Finding healthy coping mechanisms is necessary. It could be talking with someone like a friend or a counselor. It helps to have someone to be accountable to. Praying is powerful. Positive self talk and taking deep breaths can work also.

If you are falling in the downward spiral, please find someone to help you. Depression may always be with you but taking care of you means it can be an ugly shirt in the back of your closet. Hopefully, that ugly shirt can stay in the back of the closet as much as possible and not on you. Depression is miserable. Suicide is never the answer.

Be kinder than necessary. You never know what someone else is going through.